

- - 2007-11-11
keith - 2007-11-10
theres something - 2007-10-28
rambleramble - 2007-10-22
call me baby - 2007-09-29





fuck what has happened. fuck you being an asshole. fuck the fact that i'm not allowed to be pissed at you. and most of all fuck the idea of you and me

im sick of these pills. this goddamn reminder that i have something that needs forgetting. force it out of me with mgs and mgs of meds but i will always think of how i always go back to hating something that i felt was so fufilling

now my brain is filled with seratonin levels that are equalizing and equal to the "healthy" amount that nobody could ever possibly measure

lets measure out love, lets measure out sadness and pain. lets compare and contrast, and the levels, you will find, are not as different as i once thought.

violet-hour at 8:33 p.m.

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