

- - 2007-11-11
keith - 2007-11-10
theres something - 2007-10-28
rambleramble - 2007-10-22
call me baby - 2007-09-29




call me baby

i see you above me and your eyes are closed. i hear your breathing and everything around me fades to black and white, your breath like the sweet sound of serenity and i want to get as close as possible to the source.

but i can't. so i sit and stare with my glazed over eyes, and i wonder what you see with your blue ones, hidden under your eyelids.

i want it to be me, with all of me i want to somehow force you to think of me...

when they open, i want your eyes to see me first. when they close, i want to be the only one

i want to be called yours.

violet-hour at 2:25 p.m.

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