

- - 2007-11-11
keith - 2007-11-10
theres something - 2007-10-28
rambleramble - 2007-10-22
call me baby - 2007-09-29




i dont mind the phone dying it just sucks when i cant say "I LOVE YOU"

pushed out of something slow
maybe something untrue
but it felt right then
and it still does now
and sucked into a fast motion
but i flow so well
i am flying above them all
and the views so clear
and loving every second

and hes too perfect
and too far from me
and too amazing
and i need him so
so always be the one
who i can go to when i need to talk about anything in my troubled head
always be the one
you are.

violet-hour at 8:56 p.m.

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