

- - 2007-11-11
keith - 2007-11-10
theres something - 2007-10-28
rambleramble - 2007-10-22
call me baby - 2007-09-29





i toss and turn, my eyelids lifting a fraction of an inch, and all i want is to sleep more.. but i know i cannot, my body wills me to stay awake. more than 13 hours of sleep and i know i won't be able to stretch this any further. turning yet another time, i fully open my eyes.. and a sharp intake of breath, a flutter of the heart.. i am looking straight into your eyes, with my own glazed ones. i stare, unblinkingly, i stare a gaping hole through both your pupils and i see everything.

then it all goes hazy, and my concious mind is tugging at my semi concious mind.. it's screaming, and i know my heart wants out of this torturing scene, i can feel it straining, sending sharp pains against my chest. yet it seems to take all of the force in my body to open up my eyes, to only see the blank wall at my side.

at the precise same moment i wake, the numbness fades and i am once again vulnerable to the wake of my own pain. sleep has turned on me, and mentally i check it off my list as another thing that had come to an (abrupt) end.

violet-hour at 1:40 a.m.

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